For Franchise Sales and Broker Consultants...

"How To Earn 6-Figures Leveraging a Proven Franchise Sales Roadmap to Close Deals Faster and Win More Business

...Without Wasting More Time or Money"

Take Advantage of My 21 Years of Successful Franchise Sales Experience For the Ultimate Franchise Sales Success Shortcut

Imagine extracting the exact strategies, lessons learned, and sales skills necessary to accelerate your franchise sales career because you leveraged the wisdom of an award winning franchise executive who has spent the last 21 years mastering the skills to be successful in franchise sales.

Imagine leveling up your franchise sales skills with a process to generate consistent leads...

The proven franchise sales process you’ll learn will allow you to experience faster and more meaningful engagement with our clients which leads to greater success for you.

Leads and engagement are the lifeblood of this business and while most franchise brokers spend countless hours chasing leads to create connections, the Franchise Sales Accelerator process will help you stay on process and not waste your time with the traditional approaches of “smile and dial” which ends in chasing hundreds of lukewarm leads.

Over the last 21 years, I’ve helped build the #1 coaching company in the world...

and helped over 2,000 people through tough, career transition discussions about employment vs. being a business owner.

I trained 2 master franchisees….

And both won: “North American Master Franchisee of the year”

You've likely spent too much money on "outdated" training

It costs tens of thousands of dollars to get training to become a high performance franchise sales consultant (or franchisor)...only to be disappointed because of the little support that’s offered to help you reach your financial goals and make the kind of money you deserve to make in your new business.

It's not your fault...

It’s not your fault. The way the franchise industry prepares you is outdated and ineffective. The industry hasn’t changed in over 20 years.

Is it time for a change?

More people are taking control of their destiny, becoming entrepreneurs, and franchise consulting and sales can be a very lucrative career path.

Why learn this from me?

Don spent 23 years with two leading Fortune 500 companies and had an extensive global executive corporate career.

In 2000, he left the corporate ‘rat race’ to step out on his own. Over the past 22 years, after owning a master multiple – unit franchise, starting several successful businesses, and investing in real estate, he’s developed expertise in the franchise, training, business development, and professional speaking arenas.

Don was the first master franchisee in the U.S. for a then emerging brand coaching and training franchise. Don helped grow the brand which today is in 75 countries with over 1000 franchisees.

He sold all his franchise territories in 2015 after an award winning career and after coaching franchise partners also to award winning performance.

Today, Don owns a franchise consulting, training, and broker/consulting company. He leverages his 22 years as a master franchisee helping franchisors in the areas of franchisee recruitment, business development, sales training, and franchise operations and profitability. His niche is franchise brokerage training, truly showing people how to be successful in the broker/consulting business. His expertise is also impacting emerging brands under the 50 franchise unit mark, and franchisee/unit profitability.

In this breakthrough franchise sales training program

you'll learn how to:

  • Make more money and faster by following a proven process for franchise sales

  • Learn the franchise sales skills of a 21 year, award winning franchise executive

  • Discover proven sales process that is proven and works

  • Leverage tips, techniques, & strategies you can implement immediately to change your results

  • How to generate a steady flow of qualified leads

  • Get a refresher on things you used to do successfully in sales but somehow stopped

  • Stop losing time learning “on the job”

  • Move past the frustration of tire-kicking prospects

  • Avoid the little mistakes you don’t even know you’re making but that are contributing to you losing sales

Here's what you're going to get...

The complete Franchise Sales Accelerator online training program

which includes

7 Modules and

over 55 video lessons

+ Monthly LIVE Q&A & Coaching Call

($5000 Value)

PLUS all of these amazing bonuses....

  • BONUS 1: 2 free tickets “1-day franchise accelerator summit event” ($997 Value)

  • BONUS 2: Don’s list of 50 top things to master in franchise sales/recruiting ($97 Value)

  • BONUS 3: 7 Franchise Sales Mistakes & How to Avoid Them ($297 Value)

  • BONUS 4: How to Overcome the 3 Franchise Deal Killers ($297 Value)

  • BONUS 5: 1 Private, 1:1 Franchise Accelerator Coaching Session with Don Schin ($1997 Value)

Total Value $10,685

For only $1997

Here's what to do next...

To get started, simply fill out the form below. This is a secure order form and you'll be given instant access to the entire training plus your bonuses immediately after you register.

Only one payment of $1997

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Copyright 2022 Franchise Building Expert and Franchise Sales Accelerator